
const is a very welcomed addition offered by ES6 / TypeScript. It allows you to be immutable with variables. This is good from a documentation as well as a runtime perspective. To use const just replace var with const:

const foo = 123;

The syntax is much better (IMHO) than other languages that force the user to type something like let constant foo i.e. a variable + behavior specifier.

const is a good practice for both readability and maintainability and avoids using magic literals e.g.

// Low readability
if (x > 10) {

// Better!
const maxRows = 10;
if (x > maxRows) {

const declarations must be initialized

The following is a compiler error:

const foo; // ERROR: const declarations must be initialized

Left hand side of assignment cannot be a constant

Constants are immutable after creation, so if you try to assign them to a new value it is a compiler error:

const foo = 123;
foo = 456; // ERROR: Left-hand side of an assignment expression cannot be a constant

Block Scoped

A const is block scoped like we saw with let:

const foo = 123;
if (true) {
    const foo = 456; // Allowed as its a new variable limited to this `if` block

Deep immutability

const хороши работает с объектными литералами, поскольку речт идет о защите "ссылки на переменную":

const foo = { bar: 123 };
foo = { bar: 456 }; // ERROR : Left hand side of an assignment expression cannot be a constant

Однако он по-прежнему позволяет изменять свойства объектов, как показано ниже:

const foo = { bar: 123 }; = 456; // Разрешено!
console.log(foo); // { bar: 456 }

Отдавайте предпочтение const

Всегда используйте const, если Вы не планируете либо лениво инициализировать переменную, либо переопределять ее (для таких случаев используйте let).

Last updated