
Cypress is a great E2E testing tool. Here are a few great reasons to consider it:

  • Isolated installation possible.

  • Ships with TypeScript definitions out of the box.

  • Provides a nice interactive google chrome debug experience. This is very similar to how UI devs mostly work manually.

  • Has command - execution seperation which allows for more powerfull debugging and test stability (more on this below).

  • Has implicit assertions to provide more meaningful debug experience with less brittle tests (more on this in the tips below).

  • Provides the ability to mock out and observe backend XHRs easily without changing your application code (more on this in the tips below).


You can skip this section by just cloning the template github repo 🌹

The steps provided in this installation process will give you a nice e2e folder that you can use as boiler plate for your organization. You can just copy paste this e2e folder into any existing projects that you want to test with cypress.

Create an e2e directory and install cypress and its dependencies for TypeScript transpiling:

mkdir e2e
cd e2e
npm init -y
npm install cypress webpack @cypress/webpack-preprocessor typescript ts-loader

Here are a few reasons for creating a separate e2e folder especially for cypress:

  • Creating a separate directory or e2e makes it easier to isolate its package.json dependencies from the rest of your project. This results in less dependency conflicts.

  • Testing frameworks have a habit of polluting the global namespace with stuff like describe it expect. It is best to keep the e2e tsconfig.json and node_modules in this special e2e folder to prevent global type definition conflicts.

Setup TypeScript tsconfig.json e.g.

  "compilerOptions": {
    "strict": true,
    "sourceMap": true,
    "module": "commonjs",
    "target": "es5",
    "lib": [
    "jsx": "react",
    "experimentalDecorators": true
  "compileOnSave": false

Do a first dry run of cypress to prime the cypress folder structure. The Cypress IDE will open. You can close it after you see the welcome message.

npx cypress open

Setup cypress for transpiling typescript by editing e2e/cypress/plugins/index.js to match the following:

const wp = require('@cypress/webpack-preprocessor')
module.exports = (on) => {
  const options = {
    webpackOptions: {
      resolve: {
        extensions: [".ts", ".tsx", ".js"]
      module: {
        rules: [
            test: /\.tsx?$/,
            loader: "ts-loader",
            options: { transpileOnly: true }
  on('file:preprocessor', wp(options))

Optionally add a few scripts to the e2e/package.json file:

  "scripts": {
    "cypress:open": "cypress open",
    "cypress:run": "cypress run"

More description of key Files

Under the e2e folder you now have these files:

  • /cypress.json: Configure cypress. The default is empty and that is all you need.

  • /cypress Subfolders:

    • /fixtures: Test fixtures

      • Comes with example.json. Feel free to delete it.

      • You can create simple .json files that can be used to provide sample data (aka fixtures) for usage across tests.

    • /integration: All your tests.

      • Comes with an examples folder. You can safely delete it.

      • Name tests with .spec.ts e.g. something.spec.ts.

      • Feel free to create tests under subfolders for better organization e.g. /someFeatureFolder/something.spec.ts.

First test

  • create a file /cypress/integration/first.spec.ts with the following contents:

/// <reference types="cypress"/>

describe('google search', () => {
  it('should work', () => {
    cy.get('#lst-ib').type('Hello world{enter}')

Running in development

Open the cypress IDE using the following command.

npm run cypress:open

And select a test to run.

Running on a build server

You can run cypress tests in ci mode using the following command.

npm run cypress:run

Tip: Sharing code between UI and test

Cypress tests are compiled / packed and run in the browser. So feel free to import any project code into your test.

For example you can share Id values between UI and Tests to make sure the CSS selectors don't break:

import { Ids } from '../../../src/app/constants'; 

// Later 

Tip: Creating Page Objects

Creating objects that provide a convenient handle for all the interactions that various tests need to do with a page is a common testing convention. You can create page objects using TypeScript classes with getters and methods e.g.

import { Ids } from '../../../src/app/constants'; 

class LoginPage {
  visit() {

  get username() {
    return cy.get(`#${Ids.username}`);
const page = new LoginPage();

// Later


Tip: Explicit assertion

Cypress ships with (built in) chai and chai-query assertion libraries to help testing webpages. You use them with .should command passing in the chainer as a string, replacing with should('foo') e.g. with chai-jquery you would expect($(#foo)).to.have.text('something'), with cypress you would cy.get('#foo').should('have.text', 'something'):

  .should('have.text', 'something')

You get intellisense for should chainers as cypress ships with correct TypeScript definitions 👍🏻

The complete list of chainers is available here :

If you want something complex you can even use should(callback) and e.g.

  .should(($div) => {
// This is just an example. Normally you would `.should('have.class', 'heading')

TIP: cypress with do automatic retries on the callback as well, so they are just as flake free as standard string chainers.

Tip: Commands and Chaining

Every function call in a cypress chain is a command. The should command is an assertion. It is conventional to start distinct category of chains and actions seperately e.g.

// Don't do this 
  .get(/**something else*/) 

// Prefer seperating the two gets 

cy.get(/**something else*/) 

Some other libraries evaluate and run the code at the same time. Those libraries force you to have a single chain which can be nightmare to debug with selectors and assertions minggled in.

Cypress commands are essentially declarations to the cypress runtime to execute the commands later. Simple words: Cypress makes it easier.

Tip: Using contains for easier querying

The following shows an example:

  // Once #foo is found the following:
  // ^ will continue to search for something that has text `Submit` and fail if it times out.
  // ^ After it is found trigger a click on the HTML Node that contained the text `Submit`.

Tip: Smart delays and retries

Cypress will automatically wait (and retry) for many async things e.g.

// If there is no request against the `foo` alias cypress will wait for 4 seconds automatically 
// If there is no element with id #foo cypress will wait for 4 seconds automatically and keep retrying

This keeps you from having to constantly add arbitrary timeout (and retry) logic in your test code flow.

Tip: Implicit assertion

Cypress has a concept of implicit assertion. These kick in if a future command is erroring because of a previous command. E.g. the following will error at contains (after automatic retries of course) as nothing found can get clicked:

  // Once #foo is found the following:
  // ^ Error: #foo does not have anything that `contains` `'Submit'`

In traditional frameworks you would get a horrible error like click doesn't exist on null. In Cypress you get a nice error #foo does not contain Submit. This error is a form of an implicit assertion.

Tip: Waiting for an HTTP request

A lot of tests have been traditionally brittle due to all the arbitrary timeouts needed for XHRs that an application makes. cy.server makes it easy to

  • create an alias for backend calls

  • wait for them to occur


  .route('POST', '')
  .as('load') // create an alias

// Start test

// wait for the call

// Now the data is loaded

Tip: Mocking an HTTP request response

You can also easily mock out a request response using route:

  .route('POST', '', /* Example payload response */{success:true});

Tip: Asserting an Http request response

You can assert requests without mocking using route onRequest / onResponse e.g.

  method: 'POST',
  url: '',
  onRequest: (xhr) => {
    // Example assertion

Tip: Mocking time

You can use wait to pause a test for some time e.g. to test an automatic "you are about to be logged out" notification screen:


However, it is recommended to mock time using cy.clock and forwarding time using cy.tick e.g.



Tip: Unit testing application code

You can also use cypress to unit test your application code in isolation e.g.

import { once } from '../../../src/app/utils'; 

// Later 
it('should only call function once', () => {
  let called = 0;
  const callMe = once(()=>called++);

Tip: Mocking in unit testing

If you are unit testing modules in your application you can provide mocks using cy.stub e.g. if you want to ensure that navigate is called in a function foo:

  • foo.ts


    import { navigate } from 'takeme';

export function foo() { navigate('/foo'); }

* You can do this as in `some.spec.ts`: 
/// <reference types="cypress"/>

import { foo } from '../../../src/app/foo';
import * as takeme from 'takeme';

describe('should work', () => {
  it('should stub it', () => {
    cy.stub(takeme, 'navigate');

Tip: Command - exection seperation

When you invoke a cypress command (or assertion) e.g. cy.get('#something'), the function immediately returns without actually carrying out the action. What it does do, is informs the cypress test runner that you will need to carry out (execute) an action (in this case a get) at some point.

You are basically building a command list that the runner will then go ahead and execute. You can verify this command - execution seperation with a simple test, observe that you will see the start / between / end console.log statements execute immediately before the runner starts executing the commands:

/// <reference types="cypress"/>

describe('Hello world', () => {
  it('demonstrate command - exection seperation', () => {
    cy.get('.gLFyf').type('Hello world');

This command exeuction seperation has two big benefits:

  • The runner can execute the commands in a flake resistant manner with automatic retries and implicit assertions.

  • Allows you to write asynchronous code in a synchronous fashion without having to do a constant chaining which results in difficult to maintain code.

Tip: Breakpoint

The automatic snapshots + command log generated by the cypress test are great for debugging. That said you can pause test execution if you want.

First make sure you have chrome developer tools (lovingly called dev tools) open in the test runner (CMD + ALT + i on mac / F12 on windows). Once the dev tools are open you can re-run the test and the dev tools will stay open. If you have the dev tools open, you can pause test execution in two ways:

  • Application code breakpoints: Use a debugger statement in your application code and the test runner will stop on that just like standard web developement.

  • Test code breakpoints: You can use the .debug() command and cypress test execution will stop at it. Alternatively you can use a debugger statement in a .then command callback to cause a pause. e.g .then(() => { debugger }). You can even use it to grab some element cy.get('#foo').then(($ /* a reference to the dom element */) => { debugger; }) or a network call e.g. cy.request('https://someurl').then((res /* network response */) => { debugger });. However idiomatic way is cy.get('#foo').debug() and then when the test runner is paused on debug you can click on the get in the command log to automatically console.log any information you might need about the .get('#foo') command (and similarly for any other commands you want to debug).

Tip: Start server and test

If you need to start a local server before your tests can run you can add start-server-and-test as a dependency. It takes the following arguments

  • an npm script to run the server (aka server)

  • an endpoint to check if the server has booted up (aka start)

  • an npm script to initiate the testing (aka test)

Example package.json:

    "scripts": {
        "start-server": "npm start",
        "run-tests": "mocha e2e-spec.js",
        "ci": "start-server-and-test start-server http://localhost:8080 run-tests"


Last updated